Before Dr. Pathak 's Treatments.
I was suffering from High B.P. since 1992. Initially I
was taking 25 Mg Tab. which has to be increased to 50 Mg from 1995. In year 2002
I was suffering from acidity also.
After Dr. Pathak 's Treatments.
I started taking Pathak 's medicine 2004 and my blood pressure is under control trouble due to
acidity has been stopped without taking any tab. the B.P. is under controlled. |
After Dr. Pathak 's Treatments.
My body weight is reduced by 6 Kg. the fat around waist has been reduced, and anger also reduced. |
Before Dr. Pathak 's Treatments.
I was suffering from High Blood Pressure 165/100 . I have to take 2 tabs. to control above B.P. without fail. If i missed Tab. hardly ones then trouble was starting.
After Dr. Pathak 's Treatments.
The B.P. has been controlled and the reading is 130/90. My confidence has also been increased and
I am getting sound sleep. Last three month I am not taking any allopathic
I am very much thankful to Dr. Pathak for his medicine. |
Before Dr. Pathak 's Treatments.
I was suffering form High B.P. I have to take one tab. without fail daily
After Dr. Pathak 's Treatments.
B.P. is normal no allopathic tab.
present B.P. is 130 / 80 |
Before Dr. Pathak 's treatment patient details are follows
Test Details
Protocol : Bruce, Total Exec. Time : 4 m 18 s ,
Max. B.P. : 180 /90 mmHg , Pr.MHR: 171 pbm ,
Max.B.P. x HR : 29160 mmHg/min , THR: 153 (90 % of Pr.MHR) pbm ,
Max. Mets: 7.00, Min. B.P. x HR : 8010 mmHg/min
Fair Effort Tolerance.
Normal BP response.
Downsloping ST depression of more than 2 mm seen in inferolateral leads.
Stress test strongly positive for exercise indiced ischaemia
After 4 1/2 month Dr.
Pathak 's treatment patient details are follows
Mild concentric left ventricular hypertrophy.
Normal sized atria and ventricles
Normal RV and Lv contractility LVEF - 60%
No regional wall motion abnormality
The mitral valve is normal, no mitral regurgitation present
Aortic valve is normat. no aortic regurgitation present
Tricuspid valve is normal no tricuspid regurgitation present
No signs of pulmonary hypertension
Septae appear to be intact
No intracardiac mass or thrombus
No pericardial effusion
Test Details
Protocol : Bruce, Total Exec. Time : 7 m to 18 s , Max.BP : 160 / 100 mmHg , Pr. MHR : 170
Max. HR: 156 (92% of Pr. MHR ) pbm , Max. B.P. x HR : 24960
mmhg/min, THR: 153 (09% of Pr MHR) pbm,
Max. Mets: 1020 , Min. BP x HR : 5940 mmHg/min
End point criteria : THE REACHED
Good effort tolerance
Normal BP / HR Response
No Significant ST T changes
Stress test negative for exercise induced ischeamia